Hey yo people :) Feeling damn tired now . ok recently things at production is really a sucker , and heng ar next week is my last week at production :) n the following week is at city hall- charcoal :) good things abt it is the time is flexible and we need to work for 8hrs only :D and the suckis things abt it is , IS AT CITY HALL ! i need about 45min to reach there from cck -.-'' ok next point is i've sent ed my resume to all the hotels i wanted to go but there's only some reply from them =( but albee tell me not to worried cos she have waited for 2 weeks for them to reply:X *bless me people to let me get in to any hotel *and the next thing is sch is having this agency to help us to find hotels but we need to pay for $300 :XX and of cos there is good points la . And people i pass my this time exam , although i fail my beverage but i dun have to retake cos i pass my GPA with 2. ** hahaha :D ok taht's all for sch stufff :D Ahem . i am so happy yesterday :D because i went to The Arena at clark quey :D dun ask me why i can get in , of cos i've my own ways :P party/dance till 2am plus then had supper at geylang and took cab to marina to sleep "lol" till 5.30am and took the 1st train back to cck , reach home at 7am plus then sleep till 10.30am and wake up to have breakfast with my parents at jurong point -.-'' like WTH sleep for 2hrs plus . after that went home slack and meet sharon and yu qin for movie at lot 1 :) watched the movie - The Ramen Girl :) 4/5 better then 17Again :P is quite funny throughout the show not bad not bad worth watching . And last of all people ! i hereby announced to everybody I'M BROKE ! and i'll jus bring $2 everyday to sch cos i'm getting fatter =(" even 1 mths plus sharon also said so ". argh!! pui !
p/s partly i'm broke because i'm buying clothes from korea from the internet :D
my buys>
Vest :) but i'm ordering it in black :DI love all my 6 tees :D
pp/s i'm trying to hate you now , dun ask me why cos i dun know either , so stop getting on my nerves bitch ass ! (=
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