**Today i have darkGREY lens..^^look carefully :)
4T1 ~
Bunny Tooth ^^

Dinner time :)

Neo print 1



Our kuar kuar :)
Wat is she doing ??

Here is our tay tay :)
This is shared by 3 ppl :) yummy cakes
Hwee eng

Who is the pretty-est ? tag me to let me know the ans ^^ For the handsome -est i know le :) is ME !! WEeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Look at our eyes ^^ Grey lens ^

My best parnter **

Grey lens !
Our way !!

This pizza is shared by 4 ppl "so sad"

Dinner time :)
Neo print 1

Here is our tay tay :)

Look at our eyes ^^ Grey lens ^

Ok wake up at 9am today then faster wash up n do mask :) * Then ard 11 hwee eng n sharon come le so start to shower , change n make up "not me " n call the taxi BUT the taxi ppl soooo damn slow n in the end we nve get a taxi :( becos maybe peak hrs or wat shit la .. then faster go wear CONTACT LENS:) OMG !! only the 3 words i can say .. really VERY diff to put on...it takes 1 hr to put it on man !! n sharon lost her contact lens in my hse WITHOUT WEARING IT BE 4 :\ !! such a waste !! :( then faster ask my mum to sent us to kranji mrt then take taxi to grad venue :) n becos we r in a hurry , sharon left her hp in my hse, hwee eng did't wear her belt n i left camera batt at home :(
Ok reach there at last but not soo late la ronald is later :) lol then when we go in n find seat guess we 3 seat wit who ?? NO ONE !! there is 3 table for 4t1 n only 2 are occupided n we r late so we seat all alone in the coner "i big table wit 3 VIP " then do "watsoeva" things e.g : teacher sing , wat baby blues ? then the class videos n guess wat ?? OUR CLASS VIDEOS IS IN THE TOP 3 ** alll thanks to edwin they all :) Then mr shashi is the MC alll his lame jokes zzzzZZZ .. thenn the food there is "OK" not as good as i think :( then take pic la chat la then 5.30pm end ...ok after that take pic out side la then go marina sq walk then go suntec play take neoprint then go eat then BB off we go :)
Ok reach there at last but not soo late la ronald is later :) lol then when we go in n find seat guess we 3 seat wit who ?? NO ONE !! there is 3 table for 4t1 n only 2 are occupided n we r late so we seat all alone in the coner "i big table wit 3 VIP " then do "watsoeva" things e.g : teacher sing , wat baby blues ? then the class videos n guess wat ?? OUR CLASS VIDEOS IS IN THE TOP 3 ** alll thanks to edwin they all :) Then mr shashi is the MC alll his lame jokes zzzzZZZ .. thenn the food there is "OK" not as good as i think :( then take pic la chat la then 5.30pm end ...ok after that take pic out side la then go marina sq walk then go suntec play take neoprint then go eat then BB off we go :)
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