Seriously Fuck you ! cbq !
Okay aahem after party at rebel few weeks back , two weeks ago at zouk with some of my pills :) Seriously dun go zouk on wed ! because is a manbo night !!! ewww with all that music -.-'is sian to the max lor . Go there if u are only a girl because is ladies night . And last sat wooohooo went to Play to club , far far better then zouk :) i love those lighting like flash light keep on flashing like i'm a superstar :D Ok seriously should stop clubbing for sometime since mel mel also said so :X Ok for my iphone is working okay with me just that i still dun know how to download games :X and i think i switch on my GPRS :(( omfg how to off it uh ? Work is okay but for last sat i scald my hand :( "Yeah u finally scald ur hand" is what my senior said to me when he saw me washing my hands -.-'' seriously pervert sia him and today the other senior siao ding dong seriously siao ! I'll rmb !
Okay tml having off :) having my driving lesson test with sharon and i didn't even study a single shit -.-' and my sis ask me to prepare another $7 for my test because i confirm fail :( Ok enough of shit let me post some zouk pics :)